

Having originally trained as a Home Economist, I eventually retrained as a Nutritional Therapist in the mid-‘80s. During my training, I began to learn the principles of detoxification, which involves using strict dietary principles (as outlined in Cooking Without) and supplementation to assist the body to eliminate toxicity. It was this training that made me realise that nutrition can be used as a catalyst for detoxifying the body on various levels. Once the physical body starts to heal, detoxification moves on to a mental and emotional level, and finally reveals a spiritual body hidden beneath.

Once I started to detoxify, I started on a journey of self-discovery. As well as improving my physical health, I started to uncover the real me that had been buried beneath the layers of ideas and conditioning that I had taken on board from others over the years. It was like peeling off the layers of an onion. The more dysfunctional our past, the more layers we develop in order to cope and protect ourselves. These layers build up from early childhood and directly influence our view of the world.